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Väter und Töchter, ich bin stolz auf euch, dass ihr diese Herausforderung angenommen und mit großem Mut und Bravour bestanden habt!

Herzliche Grüße Kim Seemann


Kommentar (0) Aufrufe: 23480

Männer, ich bin stolz auf euch, dass ihr diese Herausforderung angenommen und mit großem Mut und Bravour bestanden habt!

Euer Kim Seemann

Kommentar (0) Aufrufe: 24851

Hi friends and colleagues,

travelling with my wife to southern britain we have experienced some special moments that we would like to share with you. Some of you might remember your own journey - some of you might get interest in the beauty of this unique island. Here are some impressions on our way that we enjoyed much.

Cheers Kim and Daniela


Take a look in one of the following links with each about 2-5 min. to look at:

From Dover to Rye - The beauty of the coast and the charm of an old town

Hastings and the New Forest: Who wins the battle?

The Lost Gardens of Heligan: Bringing back the past to life

St. Ives and Land's End: From beautiful beaches to the roaring sea

Dartmoor National Parc: The mystery of land and history

Glastonbury: Who set the spiritual roots of that nation?

Eden Project: How will we shape the future?

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Unser Team

Guiding: Eljakim Seemann, Geprüfter Wildnisführer
Ausbildung beim Internationalen Wildnisführer Verband,
Dipl.-Betr.wirt (BA), Jahrgang 1970.

Organisation: Daniela Seemann,
Messe- und Kongress-Managerin (IHK),
Internationale Management Assistentin, Jahrgang 1971.

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